Northcutt Family Photos
I was just looking through some of my photos for the year and was smiling thinking about the fun we had with the Northcutt’s and extended family this summer. We spent some time out at the Arboretum, and loved watching the kids explore and family connect. Later we gathered at their home to capture a few more images to round out the collection. Take a look at this beautiful family!

Heidi and Noah
I’ve known Heidi for nearly 20 years now and it’s so special to see what she has with Noah. These maternity photos were marked with laughter, sun, and some chilly wind. Their daughter arrived April 26th to two thrilled parents… Without further ado, take a look!
See the full gallery here.
McKrill Family
Though I’m not one to admit it in person at a shoot, this image was a bit challenging for me. I wanted to use a longer lens because of the compression that it provided, so considering the size of the room, I was as zoomed out as I could muster, but on top of that, there is a need for a substantial depth of field to keep the front row and back row in focus. We opted for available light because they were sitting next to a humongous series of windows, which also meant that we had to block some of the stark rays from the glowing orb outside.
I think it turned out well, especially considering canines aren’t always the most cooperative, and as always, I was glad to have the assistance of my lovely wife!
A Few Travel Photos
Part of the reason the blog has gone without some attention recently is that in early November, Heather and I went on an epic trip.
Two weeks, 6 states:
- Juneau, AK
- fly to… Portland, OR (2 nights)
- fly to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- fly to… Reno, NV
- drive to… Carson City, NV (3 nights)
- drive to… Tahoe, NV and back
- fly to… Denver, CO (3 nights)
- drive to… Bridgeport, NE (1 night)
- drive to… Denver, CO
- fly to… Seattle, WA
- drive to… Port Townsend, WA (3 nights)
- drive to… Leavenworth, WA and back
- drive to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- drive to… Leavenworth, WA (2 nights)
- drive to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- fly to… Juneau, AK for a vacation from the vacation!
And, while we’re here, I thought I’d use the photo blog to offer up a couple of photo highlights… take a look at some photos after the jump… (more…)