River Reminiscing
Just over 5 years ago, I was blessed to go on a rafting trip with a good friend, Dan Buck. He’s an amazing photographer, so I was especially excited to kick it in the backcountry to see him in action.
As a photographer, I don’t think my to-do list is ever done, it percolates all the time (and sometimes boils over). In the past week or so I realized that I never created any artifacts to capture the experience except for some amazing prints that I have hanging in my house… But I always wanted to do more. Along with my love of capturing events, I enjoy helping myself and others to transport back to the experience of a day or time in life. So, to that end, I decided to put together a book of the trip.
Take a look…
If you’ve got a large monitor, take a look at it here in the big-screen version.
Alumni & Friends
This last Saturday, Heather and I volunteered to assist the UAS Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament in Haines. We would meet an Allen Marine boat in the morning, load up, and then head towards Haines to play on their 9-hole course. We’d have lunch waiting for us at the course and the golfers would set off to their ways. Dinner would be served during the return trip to Juneau. And, because we’re in Southeast Alaska waters, the likelihood was high to make a couple of stops for wildlife along the way.
As a volunteer, my primary duty was to be a schlepper of stuff (golf bags, coolers, etc, etc), but at the last minute I realized that I could serve in an additional capacity: with my camera! I decided that I would photograph the earlier parts of the day and then for the boat ride home, I’d have a slideshow rolling to let people look back on the day. Easy right?
In retrospect, everything went pretty darn smoothly. I culled to somewhere around 100 photos on my laptop, set up a flatscreen TV (secured with all sorts of tape), and got the show rolling just as passengers were loading back on the boat. The show was well received, and seemed to make for a fun conversation piece. Anyhow, I thought I’d share all of the images from the collection. See the rest of the photos after the jump.
Juneau to Haines to Skagway to Juneau or Bust

Heather and I went on a great mini-roadtrip this last weekend. It was three nights away from town and I thoroughly enjoyed the time away from phones and email and other distractions to be able to sit and chat and giggle with my wife. It was our two year anniversary on Monday, and it’s a good reminder that we’re in love, not just the business of living together. Anyhow, I took my camera along for the drive too, expecting the weather to cooperate a bit. Here are my top selections from the images I brought back…