Last night, after work, I took off as quickly as possible to catch up with Paul and a few students from UAS Housing. As a “Residence Life Coordinator” he pulls together random activities which always seem like a blast, though I can’t often make. This time I was finally able to join in the fun. There were 10-15 students who were going to spend the night at the Windfall Lake Cabin, and then hike out the next day. I planned to hike back that same night, which worked out well because Bob decided to head back early so I was able to make a new friend on the return hike!
It was lots of fun, and of course, I brought a camera. Here are a few shots…

October 1, 2011 | Categories: Miscellaneous, Night | Tags: Anitra, Bailing, Boat, Bob, Cabin, Calm, Camp Stove, Camping, Cooking, Dark, Friends, Headlamp, Hiking, Map, Montana, Night, Paul, Portrait, Rain, Rowing, Saul, Skiff, Socialize, Water, Windfall Lake | Comments Off on Windfall Hike
I am ridiculously tired, but it was oh-so-worth-it. 🙂
Today I hiked out West Glacier trail to the face of the ice. After finding the first “cave” unappealing (aka boring), I decided to head farther up the ice and around the bend to find a fairly major cave. It was long enough that daylight was blocked from the entrance, and you were left with a world of blue. This is the first image that I’ll consider a finished product. It is actually several images stitched together to look down towards each end of a bend in the cave.

Click here for a larger version, or to purchase a print!
September 25, 2011 | Categories: Nature, Scenic | Tags: Adventure, Alaska, Astounding, Blue, Glacier, Hiking, Ice, Juneau, Juneau Alaska, Mendenhall Glacier, Panorama, stitched, Vivid, West Glacier | Comments Off on West Glacier