Check out these images from yesterday. These two are a blast. First, some time in the woods off of West Glacier Trail, then a jaunt up (and in) Montana Creek. I think the hardest part will be trying to narrow down the keepers to just a few!

September 6, 2011 | Categories: Portraiture | Tags: Alaska, Bridal, Forest, Juneau, Kissing, Leaves, Love, Mendenhall Valley, Moss, Swim, Trash the Dress, Trees, Water, Wedding, West Glacier, Wet, Woods | 1 Comment »
Last weekend while Heather was sleeping, I headed out to enjoy a morning hike along Montana Creek. I took entirely too much photography gear, but that’s what I do. 🙂
On the way back, during the brief periods that it wasn’t raining, I captured a few images of the flora (and fauna!) along the path. With macro, it’s always darker outside than I expect. Even “wide open”, I had to crank up the ISO so that I could capture these handheld.

September 1, 2011 | Categories: Macro, Nature | Tags: Animal, Blue Berry, Bright, Close up, Colorful, Fly, Green, Indian Rhubarb, Iridescent, Leaves, Macro, Plant, Red, Stalk, Stem, Wings | Comments Off on Montana Creek Macro

Over this last Christmas I invested in a Nikkor 200mm Micro lens. The term “micro” really means “macro”, but I guess they wanted to be special. I don’t know why because the lens is special enough without any fancy naming. I’ve been enjoying capturing images that I never thought of before, and being drawn to notice details on walks that previously I couldn’t have cared less. At any rate, I’ve enjoyed it. I hope you do too.

March 13, 2011 | Categories: Miscellaneous, Nature | Tags: Daffodil, Flower, Leaves, Macro, Pistel, Yellow | Comments Off on Daffodil