I’ve been a bit slow to pick up a camera to get out for photo adventures, but with the recent addition to our family, I find myself frequently grabbing my camera and snapping a few shots of our daughter, Alora.
It’s hard not to!

September 25, 2014 | Categories: Family | Tags: Alora, Daughter, Portrait | Comments Off on My Personal Photo Assistant
Just a quick post to share a few images from a recent portrait session with Doanh (pronounced ‘Dawn’), who is a soon-to-be college grad from UAA. Fortunately for me, she had been working as a student intern within the last semester here in Juneau, so it means that I got to make a new friend who will do some amazing things with her life.
Without further adieu, take a gander. Just like my wife, I’m sure you’ll exclaim, “she’s beautiful!”
Good luck, Doanh!

May 3, 2012 | Categories: Portraiture | Tags: Alaska, Auke Bay, capital building, college senior, graduate, Juneau, Portrait, women | Comments Off on The College Grad!
Last night, after work, I took off as quickly as possible to catch up with Paul and a few students from UAS Housing. As a “Residence Life Coordinator” he pulls together random activities which always seem like a blast, though I can’t often make. This time I was finally able to join in the fun. There were 10-15 students who were going to spend the night at the Windfall Lake Cabin, and then hike out the next day. I planned to hike back that same night, which worked out well because Bob decided to head back early so I was able to make a new friend on the return hike!
It was lots of fun, and of course, I brought a camera. Here are a few shots…

October 1, 2011 | Categories: Miscellaneous, Night | Tags: Anitra, Bailing, Boat, Bob, Cabin, Calm, Camp Stove, Camping, Cooking, Dark, Friends, Headlamp, Hiking, Map, Montana, Night, Paul, Portrait, Rain, Rowing, Saul, Skiff, Socialize, Water, Windfall Lake | Comments Off on Windfall Hike