Just over 5 years ago, I was blessed to go on a rafting trip with a good friend, Dan Buck. He’s an amazing photographer, so I was especially excited to kick it in the backcountry to see him in action.
As a photographer, I don’t think my to-do list is ever done, it percolates all the time (and sometimes boils over). In the past week or so I realized that I never created any artifacts to capture the experience except for some amazing prints that I have hanging in my house… But I always wanted to do more. Along with my love of capturing events, I enjoy helping myself and others to transport back to the experience of a day or time in life. So, to that end, I decided to put together a book of the trip.
Take a look…
If you’ve got a large monitor, take a look at it here in the big-screen version.
October 12, 2018 | Categories: Nature, Scenic, Wildlife | Tags: Alaska, Alsek, Arial, Backcountry, Bear, Birdie, Brown Bear, Calf, Chickadee, Dan Buck, Daniel Buck, Denali, Friends, Glacier, Haines, Ice, Iceberg, Moose, Mountains, Mt. McKinley, Mt. Sobek, Rafting, Sow, Sunset, Tatshenshini, The Center of the Universe, Travel, Wilderness | Comments Off on River Reminiscing

#egret #portraiture
January 24, 2014 | Categories: Portraiture, Wildlife | Tags: beach, bird, Egret, Southern California, Travel | Comments Off on #egret #portraiture

To home, Jeeves! #alaskaair #shouldbepoweredoff #travelpics
April 22, 2013 | Categories: Aerial | Tags: Alaska Airlines, Flight, Seattle, Seattle Washington, Travel, Washington | Comments Off on To home, Jeeves!

Another dose of Spokane! #bigsky #morereflection #nordstrombound #travelpics
April 19, 2013 | Categories: Scenic | Tags: Clouds, reflection, River, Sky, Spokane, Spokane Washington, Travel, Washington | Comments Off on Another Dose

Goodbye San Diego. #partingshot #shouldbepoweredoff #onelastbeach
March 11, 2013 | Categories: Aerial | Tags: Alaska Airlines, beach, California, From Above, Ocean, Pier, San Diego, San Diego California, Travel, Water | Comments Off on Goodbye San Diego

#caughtinflight #pidgeoned #pierpics #pacificbeach
March 11, 2013 | Categories: Nature, PhotoWalks | Tags: Action, Flight, Foam, Motion, Ocean, Pier, San Diego, San Diego California, seagull, Travel, Water | Comments Off on Caught In Flight

Two laps of de-icing. #alaskatravel #snowinghardhere #canwegoyet
January 20, 2013 | Categories: Miscellaneous, Night | Tags: Abstract, Alaska, Alaska Airlines, Colors, Dark, Instagram, Travel | Comments Off on De-icing

Another jump. #milkrun #anothersunset #headedhome #whatelsecanisay
January 20, 2013 | Categories: Scenic | Tags: Alaska Airlines, Beautiful, Instagram, Sky, Sunset, Travel | Comments Off on Another Jump
Part of the reason the blog has gone without some attention recently is that in early November, Heather and I went on an epic trip.

Click for the calendar'ized view of our travels...
Two weeks, 6 states:
- Juneau, AK
- fly to… Portland, OR (2 nights)
- fly to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- fly to… Reno, NV
- drive to… Carson City, NV (3 nights)
- drive to… Tahoe, NV and back
- fly to… Denver, CO (3 nights)
- drive to… Bridgeport, NE (1 night)
- drive to… Denver, CO
- fly to… Seattle, WA
- drive to… Port Townsend, WA (3 nights)
- drive to… Leavenworth, WA and back
- drive to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- drive to… Leavenworth, WA (2 nights)
- drive to… Seattle, WA (1 night)
- fly to… Juneau, AK for a vacation from the vacation!
And, while we’re here, I thought I’d use the photo blog to offer up a couple of photo highlights… take a look at some photos after the jump… (more…)
December 8, 2011 | Categories: Events, Miscellaneous, Portraiture, Weddings | Tags: Ariel, Aunt, Beverley, Bridgeport, Carson City, Darrell, Denver, Driving, Eli, Family, Free Enterprise Days, Grandpa, Juneau, Leavenworth, Oscar, Port Townsend, Portland, Reno, Seattle, Tahoe, Travel, Trip, Uncle, Vacation, World Wide | Comments Off on A Few Travel Photos